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Timsbury go the extra mile with their Snow White pantomime

By Sam Allen

Matinee performances are always a little bit special and it was an absolute joy to travel to Timsbury to join the hoards of children eagerly waiting to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This traditional family pantomime had all the usual ingredients and a little bit extra besides. A linkman? No, Timsbury had two. A couple of evil henchmen? No, Timsbury had three. A ‘behind you’ sequence? Guess what? There were two in close succession!! You can’t accuse Timsbury of underdoing it! And when it came to the house number, it seems to me that every child in the greater Timsbury area was on stage singing along with gusto to Heigh Ho!!

They had pyrotechnics, they had slosh, they had water pistols in abundance and they had us all in stitches! The Twelve days of Christmas was a little comedic treat and the Tree of Truth had the kids in rapture as apples tumbled down on the heads of anyone telling a fib! And they gave out more sweeties than I have ever seen in a single pantomime! Oh yes, they don’t do things by half in Timsbury!

It was great to see a packed house for the Saturday afternoon matinee and it was wonderful to experience the joy that community theatre brings to local villages across the country. The camaraderie and bonhomie was palpable and it was a pleasure to be part of it, if only for an afternoon.


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