The SFD Annual General meeting will be held in Ruishton Village Hall on Saturday 7th October 2023. As you know, we have recently announced our intention to have a managed close down of all our activities because we have been unable to attract volunteers for key positions and many of the existing team have declared their intention to retire.
Chairman Sam Allen said, "I told the AGM two years ago that I planned to step down but despite our efforts nobody has come forward to take on the job. We had a major recruitment programme last year and appointed five new people to the committee as well as several new adjudicators and two new moderators. The future looked good. But sadly, over the course of the year we lost five committee posts with one other due to leave shortly. And although we have been able to recruit two new replacements, this has put a huge additional workload on the remaining committee members. In addition, we are losing another moderator soon."
He added, "We put out another appeal for volunteers and we have had great success in recruiting adjudicators. We have great teams of adjudicators across the competitions. But other roles such as coordinators, moderators, secretary and membership secretary have proved much more difficult to fill"
It is against this background that the committee has concluded that the only feasible option is to terminate our competitions in a controlled way. You can come along to the AGM to find out more or, if you feel you can devote the time, to volunteer for roles to try to keep the SFD afloat. Sam said, "I would love for someone to take over as chairman and get the SFD up and running again! They would have my full support!"
Although the competitions are coming to an end, the SFD will not be formally dissolved for some time yet. Firstly, the remaining competitions have to run their course, and secondly, we have to agree a mechanism for disbursement of the remaining funds in accordance with Charity Commission rules. It is anticipated that this may take us well beyond the next 12 months. It also leaves the door open for further discussion.
We would love to see you at the AGM so you can contribute to the discussion about our next steps.
If you want to attend please complete the form: AGM Registration Form
Details of the event are here
The agenda for the meeting is below:
Somerset Fellowship of Drama
Agenda for the Annual General Meeting
to be held at
Ruishton Village Hall, TA3 5JD
on Saturday 07 October 2023 at 3.00pm
(gathering at 2.30pm for tea and cake)
Welcome by Sam Allen, Chairman
Approval of Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 30 October 2022
Chairman’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Election of Officers:
Confirmation of Executive Committee appointments
Secretary – Pam Price
Online Manager – Roger Price
Treasurer – Margaret Brolly
Phoebe Rees Coordinator – Andrew Busby (to end October 2023)
David Beach Coordinator – Di Dean (to March 2024)
David Beach Youth Coordinator – Di Dean
Cinderella Trophy Competition – Pam Price
Original Playwriting Competition – Philip de Glanville
County Drama Festival – Irene Glynn
Motion for Approval:
It is proposed that subscriptions for the Year commencing 1 October 2022 will remain the same at £10.00 for individuals, £15.00 for joint membership and £25.00 for Societies
Confirmation that entry to all competitions should remain the same
Approve termination of competitions as tabled
Any Other Business by leave of the Chairman
Sam Allen
September 2023 Registered Charity No 1084863
Nomination for both positions should be returned to the Secretary. Officers will take up their role at the conclusion of the AGM.