Original Playwriting Scripts
Since the competition closed on 25th September, the OPW reading panel have been hard at work, sorting through this year’s crop of new plays. They have all been considered well worth reading, but the panel have shortlisted four of them as being pieces which might do very well at next year’s County Drama Festival at the Warehouse in Ilminster, and are strongly recommending that potential directors have a good look at them. You can download a script by clicking on the titles below. Please contact pmdeglanville@sky.com for more information.
Remember – no licence fee payable on unpublished work, and the SFD will pay up to £100 towards the cost of staging any short-listed play.
Here they are, in alphabetical order. This year's Winning script will be announced at the CDF in March and the reading panel have also chosen one Highly Commended.
Discharging Duties by Neil Walden
1M, 2F
A sculptor has accepted a valuable commission to make a statue to stand outside the Town Hall, and particularly wants his piece to be seen as a work of art. However public attitudes are changing, and the Council is having second thoughts about whether the figure concerned now merits memorialisation.
Love Mountain by Nicola Dawson
5M, 5F
The younger gods on Mount Olympus are bored, bored, bored. No one pays them any attention these days, and they aren’t allowed down into the human realm since Zeus has decreed, at the insistence of his jealous wife Hera, that such interaction is forbidden. And yet... here come a couple of tourists. This should be fun!
Not Quite As Planned by Tony Bray
2M, 5F
Psychotherapist Esme has planned a quiet night in, to get to know the potential new man in her life. However, she has reckoned without her ex-husband, his ex-girlfriend, her rolling-pin wielding Granny, a couple of very demanding clients, and her daughter’s screaming baby. It is going to be anything but quiet in this madcap romp.
Proof Of Provenance by Lorna Evans
Ruth, an ex-Brotherby’s Fine Art Evaluator, is now running a house-clearing business with her long-time friend Cassie. When they venture into the loft of a house they’ve been asked to clear, they soon realise that there is something very odd about it. Why are the contents of the loft not what they expect? Who is the Woman that joins them? Where has she come from and what does she want?